Category - Family Fun


Where to go trick-or-treating in the Laurel Highlands Halloween in the Laurel Highlands brings ample opportunity for the little ghouls and goblins to go trick-or-treating. We’ve gathered a list of published dates and times for municipalities in Fayette, Somerset and Westmoreland counties. Have a happy and safe Halloween! Fayette County Belle…

Schramm Fall Festival

Yes, Pennsylvania’s Laurel Highlands have been consistently named one of USA Today’s 10Best Destinations for Fall Foliage. And, yes, there is nothing quite like our spectacular views, cozy campgrounds, and winding scenic byways. But that is just the beginning! When the temperatures start to drop and the colors start to pop, the…

Seven Springs

5 Ways to Beat the Heat this Summer!

Friday, May 27, 2022 11:00 AM by Kristin Ecker

Here comes the sun! Summer is kicking off in the Laurel Highlands and we've rounded up the best spots for cooling down. Warning: All of these spots pair well with onsite or nearby lodging and camping options, so stay a while and make it a fun getaway for the family! Idlewild & SoakZone When you take the family to Idlewild & SoakZone,…

Father and daughter hiking, Laurel Hill State Park

Father's Day Gift Guide

Monday, June 7, 2021 1:00 PM by Anna Weltz

Father’s Day is just around the corner! Need some inspiration for a special gift? I get it. Shopping for Dad or Grandpa can sometimes be trickier than shopping for Mom or Grandma. So I picked the brains of some of the father figures in my life and came up with this home-grown list of things your dear old dad might enjoy… For the Grill…


There is no doubt about it. Since last spring the popularity of bicycling has skyrocketed. Folks who hadn’t ridden a bike since middle school found themselves back in the saddle, getting reacquainted with their gears and ability to balance. Full disclosure – this was me. I was one of the many who dusted off an old bike in search of…

Happy Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is this Sunday! Did you forget? It’s okay. Your secret is safe with me. If you’re looking for some inspiration to properly honor and celebrate your mom, your grandma, your step-mom, your mother-in-law, or a mother-like figure, take a peek at this list of cool things to see or do. For a full list of Mother’s…

Ecker Kids Spring Blog 1

5 Ways to Get the Kids Outside this Spring

Monday, April 12, 2021 2:00 PM by Kristin Ecker

After a long winter filled with remote working and learning, we’re all ready to get out and enjoy some fresh air. It’s April in the Laurel Highlands and the weather is turning upward. The natural landscape that has laid dormant for months now is about to burst with life. And if you’re like me, you might be ready to burst out of…


Here in the Laurel Highlands, specifically Somerset County, late winter and early spring signal Maple Season! Our region’s maple sugar producers take great pride in the tradition of tapping maple trees and producing maple syrup and other goodies. Their efforts make Somerset County the largest producer of maple products in the state.…

2021 National Plan for Vacation Day

Take a second to pull out your employee handbook and count the number of vacation days you have earned for 2021. Now think about years past and recall, did you use them all? Or better yet, did you use them for fun, relaxation, and exploration? Or did you use them for mundane things like dentist appointments or tire rotations? I know 2020…