Classes Just for Them

Specially Designed for 3-6 Year Olds

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Request Information About Our Programs and Our Starter Special

Fill out this form and we'll send you 2 informative videos:
•  The Scientific Facts Behind the Kinder Karate® Method
•   Is Kinder Karate® a REAL School?

We will also follow up with a phone call within 24 hours to discuss your questions, your child's needs, and whether we are a good fit for your family  (and if you are a good fit for our family!)

Why Choose Kinder Karate®?

What makes our Kinder Karate® Preschool, Kindergarten, and Early childhood specialized martial arts classes the very best in the industry?

"They" said it couldn't be done... that is, until WE did it. We created a program that combines solid kids' martial arts lessons with FUN and excitement, in just the right combo for this very young age group - preschool, kindergarten, and first grade.

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The Kinder Karate® Story

What Happened When I Challenged the "Norm"

The Kinder Karate® story began back in 2012 when I sat at my daughter's dance recital.  While I was waiting for my 6 year old to perform, I first had to sit through the 3 year old performances.  I was aghast (and amazed) when I saw the little girls on the stage -- aghast at the fact that the girls had learned absolutely nothing as judged by their non-performance, and amazed that the crowd of parents, taking pictures and video with love, excitement and awe, seemed not to notice.  In fact, they were celebrating this non-achievement!

I thought to myself, "What if I could recreate this in my classes?  What if I could teach them even one thing?  Would the parents accept this?  Would they pay for it?"

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Kara Czerniak is the founder and owner of Kinder Karate Franchising LLC
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